
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Was it Ken who sent me this? Anyway, it seems as good a way of spending tax-payers’ money as any. I suspect that it is a small-arms anti-aircraft training aid.  Infantry can practice firing their rifles and small-calibre machine guns at a real target and have a lot of fun and expend all their annual budget of rifle ammunition firing at a plane that is almost impossible to bring down. The person having the most fun is the pilot, but even he has to fly straight and level most of the time, because the target is so difficult to hit. Perhaps the riflemen most likely to score are ex poachers and gamekeepers, or even clay pigeon shooters. No-one else will have an eye for a moving target.

I saw a demo of this on Salisbury Plain ages ago.  The only things that have changed are the colour of the combat kit and the shape of the quad bike.

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