Following on from my last Chairman’s bit I can confirm that 2.4 Ghz equipment really does make flying electric powered models far more relaxing. No motor twitches, no aileron or elevator glitches. Please ensure the location of the receiver is in the clear of any power cables. My Spectrum checker has helped enormously to prove what is the best position for the Spectrum receivers (yes, there are two).
It’s time for the Chairman’s Review:
This has been an extremely busy year for your committee. Becoming BMFA affiliated being the most work. Okay, we all have had a BIG learning curve to negotiate.
Following on from becoming BMFA affiliated your committee arranged for Stuart Fell to demonstrate his skills as a professional Jester. This was arranged for the April Club meeting. Kath Watson (BMFA Hon Vice President) rang and asked if she and her Husband, Terry, could attend our April meeting. They both commented on the variance experienced rather than just model moaning (sorry, flying) that is normal at many other clubs they have visited. (Just shows people do read our club web site!)
July, We held a special one off auction of David Enticott’s models and equipment.
September meeting became a music evening. Martin Burr & Neal Gregory (both club members) entertained us all to a high level. These guys hadn’t played together so timing was expected to be iffy!! How wrong can you be, they were superb. Well done boys.
October, Mike Roach certainly gave us all an in site into easier ways of making complex structures using fibre-glass and yacht varnish. His clean, quite cheap and easier approach impressed many members. Me included (chairman)
November was the annual club auction. The current financial down turn is obviously affecting model sales. With 44 lots we only turned over approx £300. It’s approx as a few items were sold after the auction privately.
We arranged two club slope soaring days out. The first was to the Picnic slope site in the morning followed by the SE site close by after lunch.
The second was in late September. A VERY light wind (more like a zephyr) most of the day. We visited four sites as the wind direction was elusive. Eventually driving to a Wessex Club site that Martin Burr had arranged (thanks Martin & the Wessex Soaring Association).
2009 commences with the annual club quiz at our January monthly meeting. FREE sausage rolls and mince pies will be provided by the club.
Chris Hague will be giving a talk at the February meeting. March sees Terry Sullivan entertaining us talking about brushless motors and Lipo batteries. Mike Roach will be talking and demonstrating at the April meeting “Rolling Your Own” is his heading!!
Have a fruitful Christmas and a healthy New Year.
Happy safe flying,
Terry Antell
I've started building an Avro Vulcan bomber as a slope soarer. The plan was by Ian Benson over 26 years ago (amended by yours truly). I met this guy at a slope comp in Lancashire all those years ago and built the model. Anyway, I received the plan (£17.45) recently and have started construction. I'm taking pics, along with a write-up for the spring Sloping Off.