
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Christchurch & District Model Flying Club

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Held at the Walkford Hotel 2nd December 2009

     25 members attended with apologies received from Brian Adkins

Secretary’s Report – During the past year the committee has held 7 committee meetings concerning the running of the Club.

Treasurers Report – Our financial position is fairly good and we have current funds of £2958.54 with Lloyds Bank.

The main items of expenditure:- Indoor flying, Sloping Off, Xmas prize draw, Christchurch Sports Council contribution.

This shows an overall increase in funds of £149.16 but as the Club is not paying for the use of the hall the club is in a static financial position. Therefore, I recommend an increase in Club Fees from £10 to £15 as agreed at the March 2007 AGM.

Original copy of the report is with the secretary.

Membership Secretary’s Report – Our current membership stands at 75 members but this could change in the new year with members dropping out for various reasons, and new members joining.

If any member changes their Address, Phone or E-mail could they please notify him or the Secretary.

Activities Secretary’s Report – There were few activities this year but would like to see more members assisting when there are any. The main ones were – Auction night, Quiz night, Club days out. There was no Club open day this year due to weather conditions.

Terry Sullivan thanked the members who went on the flying holiday with him for their assistance during that period.

 The ‘Rosebowl’ competition had a reasonable turnout and weather, this was won by Martin Burr.

The Chairman also thanked Brian Brockway for running the Friday Night League, there were only 6 entries this year.

 Webmaster/ Editor – Mike Roach thanked members for all items received and requested more items from members for inclusion in ‘Sloping Off’ and Website. He will re-write/edit them if you wish but please send something in.

Terry Sullivan proposed a Vote of thanks for Mike which was agreed unanimously.

Chairmans Report – During the year 9 members have passed their ‘A’ test with 1 of them on helicopter. He has attended 3 Council meetings dealing with Stanpits Flying which is ongoing.

There has been 6 indoor flying sessions held to date.

A G M Cont.

Can other members give talks etc. or suggestions for meetings, if so contact the committee.

Election of committee Officers –

 The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were all willing to stand for re-election and with no other nominations received were re-elected on masse.

Proposer – T.Sullivan Seconder – M.Roach.

B Brockway agreed to continue as Membership secretary

Proposed – T Sullivan Seconded – M Burr.

M Roach agreed to continue as Webmaster/Editor for the next year.

Other members voted onto the committee were –

Ian Wettstein  Proposed – T Antell Seconded – A Cousins.

Keith Young Proposed - M McLauchlan Seconded –T Sullivan.

John Stafford  Proposed – K Young  Seconded – Terry Butterfeild.

Auditors – Clive Spencer and Gordon Coy volunteered to act as auditors for 2010 and were thanked for this years auditing.

Motions – No motions were received prior to the meeting.

Any Other Business –

M Burr asked for 10 extra copies of ‘Slope Off’ to be printed and given to B Brockway for new members to have.

T Antell stated that the Club equipment consists of :-

Bungee line, Exit, Electric lady, Lazy bee, Synergee and 2 old transmitters, all of very little value.

Date of next AGM – Wednesday 1st December 2010.

T Antell will arrange a committee meeting as soon as possible to include the new members.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 21.20.

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