
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

For those who could not come to the Quiz Night, this year’s Quiz had two categories, full size aviation and model flying. With two questions having multiple answers, there are 20 points available. Answers on a later page—Good Luck!

Full Size Aviation

Q1 The following names are of designers, aircraft manufacturers and planes. Sort them out into the designer, the company they are most closely associated with and a plane they designed.

Reginald Mitchell, Lockheed, Hurricane, Clarence Johnson, Hawker, Lancaster, Roy Chadwick, Supermarine, Sr-71, Sidney Camm, Avro, Spitfire.

   Q2 Perhaps the most famous bombing raid in History was the Dambusters raid. What was the Squadron number of the Dambusters?

Q3 Who led the Bombing raid on the Japanese mainland in which B25’s took off from an Aircraft Carrier?

Q4 What was the (alleged—Ed) cause of the burst tyre that caused the Concorde to crash?

Q5 Name the single Company that built both the slowest and the fastest RAF fighters to serve in WW2

Q6 What is the name of the Hampshire town that is the “Home” of British Aerospace development and our most famous air show?

Q7 What type of aircraft did Alcock and Brown use to make the first transatlantic flight in 1919?

Model  Flying Questions


Q8 What is the name of Multiplex’s foam, used in many of their models?

Q9 What should be written on your Peg for 35MHz users (BMFA Members Handbook)

Q10 What do the initials DLG stand for?

Q11  Put the following designers, companies and planes together, like question 1

Alan Head, Stan Yeo, Pete Nicholson Chris Foss

Balsacraft, SAS, CF Designs, Phoenix Model Products,

Warbird range, Wot 4, Bedlam, Wild Thing

Q12 In cold weather, should you charge a lipo battery A slightly more, B normally, or C, Slightly less

Q13    When is the MOST vital time to inspect your model, before leaving home, before launch/take off, or after landing?

Q14 What should you always check before landing?

I can’t tell a lie - it was the Ed who won, with only one wrong answer. How did you do? Answers below.

1. Reginald Mitchell- Supermarine- Spitfire.

 Sidney Camm-.Hawker Hurricane.

 Clarence Johnson- Lockheed- Sr-71. Roy Chadwick- Avro- Lancaster.

2. 617 Squadron

3. Jimmy Doolittle

4 Metal on the runway from a previous aircraft (allegedly!)
5. Gloster (Gladiator and Meteor)


7.Vickers Vimy


9.Your Name ( the BMFA do not ask for the Channel number, but we do!)         

10Discus Launch Glider

11 Alan Head- SAS- Wild Thing.
Stan Yeo- Phoenix Model Products- Bedlam.
Pete Nicholson- Balsacraft- Warbird range.
Chris Foss- CF Designs-Wot 4                  


13 Before Launch/Take off 
14The Landing Area is Clear       


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