
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Gaffer tape, bodge tape, DUCT/DUCK TAPE, call it what you will…

Ken Spokes sent me this wonderful series of photos. They show that you should always carry a roll or two of gaffer tape as you never know when it might be useful.

Apparently these two fishermen went on a trip into the mountains for a few days of whatever fisherman do in the hills, and one of them left his sandwiches in the cargo compartment of the plane. When they got back, a hungry bear had decided that he was going to have the snack, come what may, and dismantled the aircraft to get it. The damage was pretty extensive, as you can see. If this had been a model, the next stop would have been the bin

He even had a go at the wheels!

But no—with the help of 3 cases of tape, two new tyres and some sheet plastic, the plane was repaired and flew out!

Thanks to Bob Dickenson for the story—Ed

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