
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Andrew Tubb’s DH Canada Beaver, modified for the Airsail kit and currently being covered in day-glo orange


John Stafford’s Sea Fury and Martin Burr’s “Hairy Gnome” copy in Depron


Keith Young’s VMAR

Martin Burr’s Sopwith Camel. Actually, Martin bought the model at a recent Club sale, and has refurbished it for flight. The Sopwith Authenticity Committee has decided that this must be an early form of dazzle camouflage whereby German pilots were unable to focus on the aircraft because of the sun glinting off its highly polished surface. Either that or the builder used a proprietary covering film...


The Ed’s Depron Bombardies CL-415 (designed to fit into a suitcase) and Adam Reay’s Zagi

Recognise this? A Veron Impala by Tony Butterfield

Terry Butterfield's Spitfires. These are both enlarged from a Peanut plan by Guillows and although not measured on the evening, must be about 18” and 30” wingspan. The larger one had a motor installed but the smaller was waiting for a cowl and some rubber bands. Excellent modelling skills and dedication to do the same thing twice.


New member (on the left) Tim Calvert with his OD Bootleg Stick


Trevor Hewson’s electric Astro Hog, for 5 cells. Performance is somewhat in excess of the original, with 1 kW of power available!


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