“Operator to the Paint mixing area, customer waiting”
by tim calvert
Any visitor to B&Q’s will recognise this distinctive tannoy announcement, with its mix of corporate despair and creepy mateyness. But there is a point to this story, as Tim Calvert tells us:
Now where you get International Orange (for Andrew Tubb’s DH Beaver—Ed) I have no idea, it’s not part of normal model or aero paint ranges, but for a wacky approach I am experimenting with Dulux Matt Emulsion, now don’t laugh, but you can get mixed up 250 ml pots in B&Q for £2.50 odd in any colour you like, roll it in on with a cut down mini sponge roller and then finish off with an thinned roller coat of acrylic varnish ( I guess Rustins will be fine in a satin or matt finish, depending what you want) and you have a tough durable semi matt re or matt realistic finish. This is not something that would work well on a film substrate though.
International Orange has an RGB colour of 255, 79, 0, and sticking that in http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=SEEK#Result
and selecting either RAL or NCS paint options will give the nearest paint matches. Dulux computers understand RAL and NSC paint codes.
(I’ve tried this and it does work perfectly. The question is, Tim, how do you find out the RGB number of a colour, in order to find its RAL option? - Ed)
RAL 2004 for example is pretty near match, ask in B&Q for RAL 2004 and the computer will mix up a pot for you.
(But first you will have to wait for that announcement I told you about at the start—Ed)