
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club


The Editor’s almost-finished Candair “Scooper” after its first, and very successful, flight off water. It had flown from a hand launch at Stanpit the week before, without the tip floats. The flaps work!

The Ed is so enthused by the ease of building and excellent flight characteristics of Depron models that he is planning a bigger and better flying boat, a 1/24th version of the Short C Class boat, to 57” span and 4 of the little motors that power this yellow and red beastie.

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Along with (no no, he and I are going to separate continents) our favourite correspondent, Leonard B Wise, I’m off for a couple of weeks in March, hence this slightly early edition of Sloping Off.

The Club seems to be gaining momentum this year, as the articles, Club evenings and chat are showing. Despite the weather, people have been out flying in the various calm days and gaps that pop up now and then. You often get the finest outings when you make the least preparations!

Trevor and I are off to Canada at the end of May for an electric flight meeting: if this seems slightly bizarre, well I suppose it is. However, we have an higher purpose, in that Chilliwack is the home of Ivan Pettigrew, the designer (or the inspiration) of all those flying boats we have made. We’ve been invited to go along—Trevor has a pass to fly Ivan’s own planes (they’ve heard of his flying skill) and I’m taking along a small case with my Depron Scooper in it. (They’ve heard about my flying skills as well…)

More from us when we get back.

Many thanks to all the contributors to this packed issue. There is much more promised for the Summer Sloping Off, and please keep the photos, articles, jokes and rants pouring in.


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