
Christchurch and District Model Flying Club

Oh the places you will go…

By martin burr

I had a lovely time, no disasters.

Well that’s the short version! If you want the long one, read on…

 I was looking on the Barcs* website (www.barcs.co.uk) last year, when I saw a practice day advertised for F3j. For those that don’t know F3j is the National league for thermal soaring with a precision landing. One of the WSA members (my other Club) is a bit good at it, Ian Duff, he has competed internationally, flying the flag for Britain last year.

  I thought, “if it’s a nice day I will go”, the advert read ‘beginners welcome’ so they are letting themselves in for it ! The weekend forecast didn’t look too good, but on the day it was great, with a blue sky dotted with white puffy clouds. So I set off bright and early to Ashurst which is near Horsham about 100 miles from Christchurch. Well actually I was not so bright, as I got lost, and found myself heading towards Basingstoke, as I had forgotten to follow the M27 / A27 and ended up on the M3 instead! So a quick ‘about face’ at the next junction had me on my way again.

 When I got to the now easy to find venue, I was pleasantly surprised to see what a lovely place had been organised for us. A big clear field with pretty much open countryside all around, there was already a sky full of planes when I turned up. So after coughing up (£5) and signing in, I was setting up my trusty winch. I was in good company, there must have been 30 to 40 chaps there some of whom feature very highly in the League.

  I am now on 2.4 Ghz so there were no Freq problems and the day past all too fast, always a good sign. There were also a few E Soarers in attendance and I wished I had mine to join in too. It was one of the most pleasant days I have had, the conditions were as good as it gets.

 The people I met were very helpful and friendly, and I even got some new line from a chap called Bernie who had a ready supply. This has spurred me on to try my luck in the F3j and the BARCS Open Events this year I am going to try to enter as many as I can. I will let you know how I got on….

*Barcs—the website for dogs—Ed

Sorry, that slipped through the censors and the taste police.  Barcs (or more properly BARCS) is the home of British Association of Radio Control Soarers and if you have not visited their website it’s very well produced and full of useful and “improving” articles—Ed. (there, was that better Martin?)

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